Secretariat releases report on post-war development of renewable energy sector in Ukraine

Renewable energy
17 April 2024

The Energy Community Secretariat is pleased to announce the release of its latest report, "Post War Development of the Renewable Energy Sector in Ukraine." Developed in collaboration with GOPA International Energy Consultants GmbH and national experts from Urban Technology Alliance, the report offers a comprehensive analysis of the technical and policy aspects affecting Ukraine's renewable energy sector.

The report sheds light on the significant damage inflicted upon Ukraine's renewable energy sector by the war, highlighting the urgent need for revitalization efforts post-war. It underscores the crucial role of renewable energy in Ukraine's economic and environmental recovery, emphasizing the necessity of establishing robust regulatory, institutional, and financial frameworks to support its resurgence.

Key recommendations outlined in the report include:

  • Development of an updated Ukraine Energy Strategy and National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP), incorporating input from key stakeholders and aligning with EU integration goals.
  • Feasibility studies to facilitate the integration of renewable energy sources into the grid and identify priority measures for future procurement.
  • Harmonization of subordinate plans, legislation, and development frameworks to support overall sector strategy.
  • Alignment of legal frameworks with Energy Community standards to ensure compliance with EU legislation.
  • Resolution of non-payment issues through regulatory reforms and independent oversight mechanisms.
  • Promotion of smaller distributed suppliers to enhance market stability and resilience.
  • Implementation of legislative amendments and financial mechanisms to support sector revitalization.

The report provides a roadmap for policymakers and industry stakeholders to navigate the challenges and opportunities facing Ukraine's renewable energy sector in the post-war era.

In Scope:

  • Ukraine Ukraine