Technical assistance to Regional Energy Market Connectivity

Technical assistance to Regional Energy Market Connectivity in the Western Balkans was implemented based on the Grant Contract signed by the European Commission and the Energy Community Secretariat, with the aim to support the Western Balkan 6 in achieving their goal of creating regional energy market through the implementation of so-called Connectivity Reform Measures, to which they committed at the 2015 Western Balkan Summit.  

The Connectivity Reform Measures target three main pillars of the regional electricity market:

  • spot market
  • cross border balancing
  • cross border capacity allocation

Implemented technical assistance supported activities on removing existing regulatory and legal obstacles and enhancing the institutional structures and capacities as a prerequisite to ensure functioning of the regional market to the benefit of both the Western Balkans and the EU.

The project’s implementation period was 42 months, starting in June 2016, during which 17 technical assistance projects were completed. 

Regular reporting by the Secretariat provided up-to-date information on the state of play of the project’s implementation to the Western Balkan 6 Initiative and the Berlin Process, thus ensuring continued incentive and political support to overcome specific obstacles and ensure progress towards a regional energy market.

In December 2019, the Secretariat held WB6 Closing event, marking the end of its TA project. Details on project budget, beneficiaries, activities and main deliverables are provided below.

Facts and figures: 

  • Breakdown

    WB6 technical assistance projects by scope of beneficiaries and measures


  • Beneficiaries

    Direct and indirect beneficiaries of the WB6 technical assistance projects

    The Grant Contract defined the ministries, state agencies and public companies involved in the transmission and distribution of electricity in the Western Balkans as the main stakeholders. Their commitment to establishing a functioning regional energy market had been expressed at the highest political levels through the Western Balkan 6 Initiative, particularly at the Vienna summit of the Berlin Process ( August 2015).

  • Projects

    Conducted WB6 technical assistance projects 03/2017 - 12/2019

    Number Name  start end Beneficiary
    1 Technical assistance to the national regulatory authority of Albania in the certification of the Albanian electricity transmission system operator 09/03/2017 15/03/2017 National Regulatory Authority
    2 Technical assistance to OST in drafting rules for implementation of transitional balancing mechanism in Albania 08/05/2017 01/08/2017 Transmission System Operator
    3 Technical assistance to the national regulatory authority of Montenegro on the certification of the Montenegrin electricity transmission system operator  31/05/2017 20/10/2017 National Regulatory Authority
    4 Technical assistance to Bosnia and Herzegovina to establish institutional Set-up for Organised Day-ahead markets 31/08/2017 10/04/2018 Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations
    5 Technical assistance to optimization of trading portfolio and development of trading strategies in incumbent power producers 13/10/2017 12/07/2018 WB6 state-owned generators

    Technical assistance to the Implementation of Cross-border Electricity Balancing 



    WB6 Programme Steering Committee for the cross-border balancing (WB6 XB PSC) 
    7 Technical assistance to establish Institutional Set-up for Organised Day-ahead market in Montenegro 22/11/2017 07/08/2018 Power Exchange Company
    8 Technical assistance to the Implementation of a Regional Day-ahead Market in Western Balkans 24/11/2017 05/06/2019 WB6 Day-ahead Market Integration Program Steering Committee (WB6 DA MI PSC)
    9 Technical assistance to implementing reforms of the Albanian energy sector pursuant to the Third Energy Package and WB6 commitments 10/01/2018 17/07/2018 Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy
    10 Technical assistance to North Macedonia to establish Institutional Set-up for Organised Day-ahead Market 17/01/2018 21/06/2018 Transmission System Operator
    11 Technical assistance to the facilitation of negotiations in a dispute between the two electricity system operators of Serbia (EMS) and Kosovo* (KOSTT), and/between representatives of the Government of Serbia and representatives of the Government of Kosovo*  01/03/2018 07/05/2018 Transmission System Operators of Serbia and Kosovo*
    12 Technical assistance to the implementation of regional coordinated capacity calculation in Western Balkans 18/04/2018 28/12/2018 WB6 Transmission System Operators
    13 Technical assistance to establish electricity balancing market in North Macedonia 04/07/2018 22/10/2018 Transmission System Operator
    14 Technical assistance to North Macedonia for operation and function of the Organised Day-ahead market 01/04/2019 04/06/2019 Electricity Market Operator
    15 Technical assistance to efficiently implement, monitor and report the functional unbundling of network operators 04/04/2019 06/06/2019 WB6 Distribution System Operators
    16 Technical assistance to operationalization of the day-ahead market in North Macedonia 12/11/2019 05/12/2019 Electricity Market Operator
    17 Technical assistance to drafting energy market legislation in Brcko District 18/11/2019 06/12/2019 Brcko District


  • Spending

    WB6 Grant Contract budget spending

    WB6 Technical Assistance budget spending per Connectivity Reform Measures


The reports below account for the key deliverables of WB6 technical assistance project.


Current Filters

Document Name Categories Published on
Electricity f6dcb63464bd41e1a324ac2df5a879a7
2018 2032f937dc584ef19ba2c28e8ff38054
Capacity 37f04b640af84f43b0a041616e20ea16
Electricity f6dcb63464bd41e1a324ac2df5a879a7
2018 2032f937dc584ef19ba2c28e8ff38054
Capacity 37f04b640af84f43b0a041616e20ea16
2018 2032f937dc584ef19ba2c28e8ff38054
Electricity f6dcb63464bd41e1a324ac2df5a879a7
Capacity 37f04b640af84f43b0a041616e20ea16
2018 2032f937dc584ef19ba2c28e8ff38054
Electricity f6dcb63464bd41e1a324ac2df5a879a7
Capacity 37f04b640af84f43b0a041616e20ea16
Electricity f6dcb63464bd41e1a324ac2df5a879a7
Balancing a778eb587c1848ce8f1eed04e6b5e7e8
year ec0b3bd1a6024c15a4109ce2ed217227
Electricity f6dcb63464bd41e1a324ac2df5a879a7
Balancing a778eb587c1848ce8f1eed04e6b5e7e8
year ec0b3bd1a6024c15a4109ce2ed217227
Balancing a778eb587c1848ce8f1eed04e6b5e7e8
2019 869f0e93e6a0410ab99e633d4a32cc37
Electricity f6dcb63464bd41e1a324ac2df5a879a7
Balancing a778eb587c1848ce8f1eed04e6b5e7e8
2019 869f0e93e6a0410ab99e633d4a32cc37
Electricity f6dcb63464bd41e1a324ac2df5a879a7
2019 869f0e93e6a0410ab99e633d4a32cc37
Balancing a778eb587c1848ce8f1eed04e6b5e7e8
Electricity f6dcb63464bd41e1a324ac2df5a879a7
2019 869f0e93e6a0410ab99e633d4a32cc37
Balancing a778eb587c1848ce8f1eed04e6b5e7e8
Electricity f6dcb63464bd41e1a324ac2df5a879a7
Electricity f6dcb63464bd41e1a324ac2df5a879a7
2019 869f0e93e6a0410ab99e633d4a32cc37
Balancing a778eb587c1848ce8f1eed04e6b5e7e8
Electricity f6dcb63464bd41e1a324ac2df5a879a7
2019 869f0e93e6a0410ab99e633d4a32cc37
Balancing a778eb587c1848ce8f1eed04e6b5e7e8
Balancing a778eb587c1848ce8f1eed04e6b5e7e8
2019 869f0e93e6a0410ab99e633d4a32cc37
Electricity f6dcb63464bd41e1a324ac2df5a879a7
Balancing a778eb587c1848ce8f1eed04e6b5e7e8
2019 869f0e93e6a0410ab99e633d4a32cc37
Electricity f6dcb63464bd41e1a324ac2df5a879a7
Balancing a778eb587c1848ce8f1eed04e6b5e7e8
2019 869f0e93e6a0410ab99e633d4a32cc37
Electricity f6dcb63464bd41e1a324ac2df5a879a7
Balancing a778eb587c1848ce8f1eed04e6b5e7e8
2019 869f0e93e6a0410ab99e633d4a32cc37
Electricity f6dcb63464bd41e1a324ac2df5a879a7
Balancing a778eb587c1848ce8f1eed04e6b5e7e8
2019 869f0e93e6a0410ab99e633d4a32cc37
Electricity f6dcb63464bd41e1a324ac2df5a879a7
Balancing a778eb587c1848ce8f1eed04e6b5e7e8
2019 869f0e93e6a0410ab99e633d4a32cc37
Electricity f6dcb63464bd41e1a324ac2df5a879a7
Electricity f6dcb63464bd41e1a324ac2df5a879a7
Spot c432f1967b3d4085afc27e28103759e4
2018 2032f937dc584ef19ba2c28e8ff38054
Electricity f6dcb63464bd41e1a324ac2df5a879a7
Spot c432f1967b3d4085afc27e28103759e4
2018 2032f937dc584ef19ba2c28e8ff38054
Electricity f6dcb63464bd41e1a324ac2df5a879a7
2018 2032f937dc584ef19ba2c28e8ff38054
Balancing a778eb587c1848ce8f1eed04e6b5e7e8
Electricity f6dcb63464bd41e1a324ac2df5a879a7
2018 2032f937dc584ef19ba2c28e8ff38054
Balancing a778eb587c1848ce8f1eed04e6b5e7e8
Electricity f6dcb63464bd41e1a324ac2df5a879a7
Spot c432f1967b3d4085afc27e28103759e4
2018 2032f937dc584ef19ba2c28e8ff38054
Electricity f6dcb63464bd41e1a324ac2df5a879a7
Spot c432f1967b3d4085afc27e28103759e4
2018 2032f937dc584ef19ba2c28e8ff38054
Spot c432f1967b3d4085afc27e28103759e4
2018 2032f937dc584ef19ba2c28e8ff38054
Electricity f6dcb63464bd41e1a324ac2df5a879a7
Spot c432f1967b3d4085afc27e28103759e4
2018 2032f937dc584ef19ba2c28e8ff38054
Electricity f6dcb63464bd41e1a324ac2df5a879a7
Cross 5b2291f1af024c3a8810d5e49f94d875
Electricity f6dcb63464bd41e1a324ac2df5a879a7
2019 869f0e93e6a0410ab99e633d4a32cc37
Cross 5b2291f1af024c3a8810d5e49f94d875
Electricity f6dcb63464bd41e1a324ac2df5a879a7
2019 869f0e93e6a0410ab99e633d4a32cc37