EU4Energy programme

Energy efficiency Renewable energy Climate Infrastructure Electricity Regulator Gas

Beneficiary Countries:

  • Georgia Georgia
  • Moldova Moldova
  • Ukraine Ukraine
  • Armenia Armenia
  • Azerbaijan Azerbaijan
  • Belarus Belarus

Donation passport

Donor/IFI: European Union
Starting Year: 2016
Ending Year: 2020
Budget: 21 mil. EUR
Type of Donation: Technical assistance
Status: Closed
European Union

Lead Donor Contact

Bella Nestorova, DG NEAR

Short description of the overall project

This programme is based on the long running INOGATE Programme and the lessons learnt from it. The objective of the overall proposed action is to support the sound elaboration and implementation of evidence-based, medium to long term energy policies in partner countries, based on improved use of statistics and sharing of best practice and EU experience.

Although the EU4Energy Programme will be implemented as one Action, it comprises five distinct components all of which will contribute to better policy making and implementation.

  • Component 1: focuses on enhanced energy data management
  • Component 2: is aimed at providing greater energy policy analysis and recommendations
  • Component 3: seeks to generate an improved energy legislative and regulatory framework and implemented policy recommendations as well as to promote investments in key energy infrastructure strategic projects
  • Component 4: is intended to provide easier access to energy information for policy-makers and relevant stakeholders
  • Component 5: is expected to ensure better communication between the EU and partner countries on regional and bilateral cooperation in the field of energy.

Short description of activities financed by the donation 

Building on the success of the long running INOGATE Programme, EU4Energy aims to:

  • Improve energy data capabilities;
  • Enhance data collection and monitoring;
  • Contribute to improved evidence-based energy policy design;
  • Provide technical assistance for legislative and regulatory frameworks and key energy infrastructure investments.

The EU4Energy Programme comprises the following five components:

  • EU4Energy Data: enhancing energy data management and use in policy design;
  • EU4Energy Policy: fostering energy policy dialogue and knowledge sharing on a wide range of topics related to energy security, sustainable development and markets;
  • EU4Energy Governance: providing technical assistance to Eastern Partnership countries in the legislative and regulatory areas, implementation of policy recommendations and investment in key strategic energy infrastructure projects;
  • EU4Energy Web Portal: hosting an interactive web portal that will act as a global hub of information on beneficiary countries, including energy data, energy infrastructure, policy developments and investment projects;
  • EU4Energy Communication & Visibility: enhancing visibility and communication between the EU and beneficiary countries on EU-funded regional and bilateral cooperation in the field of energy.

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EU4Energy Projects