Dedicated webinar explores need for gender disaggregated data in the energy sector

27 June 2022

On 23 June, representatives from the European Commission, the International Energy Agency (IEA), the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), Engie Impact, E-Control, the European Institute of Energy Equality (EIGE) and the Energy Community Secretariat gathered to raise awareness of the importance of gender disaggregated data in the energy sector. Gender-disaggregated data is needed to advance gender equality and diversity in the energy sector in order to produce a swifter and more inclusive energy transition, boosting innovation and accelerating the attainment of multiple Sustainable Development Goals.

Women's participation in the energy sector remains far from balanced. The energy sector is still mostly male-dominated, with women representing approximately 25% of the overall workforce, 32% of the renewable energy workforce and a substantially lower share when it comes to decision-making positions, 13.9%. At current trend, parity in the private energy sector will be reached only in 100 years if no actions are taken.

As emerged from the discussion, gender disaggregated data is critical to understanding how energy policies affect men and women differently as it can reveal issues facing one sex that are invisible when data is aggregated. It also allows evidence-based guidance for assessing the impact of policies on each sex and on larger equity issues.

The lack of standardised data on gender and employment in the energy sector is an issue particularly in the Energy Community Contracting Parties, as flagged during the discussion and in the Secretariat’s policy brief, preventing the possibility to inform gender analysis, understand reasons behind gender gaps and design specific measures to improve equity.