Consultation launched on Gas Interconnection Points at EU external borders and within the Energy Community
The EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) and the Energy Community Secretariat launched today a joint public consultation regarding gas capacity on a number of interconnection points (IPs) on the borders of the EU and the Energy Community and within the Energy Community.
The consultation focuses on capacity offering and use and aims at reaching a better understanding of market needs, approaches to avoid network interruptions and optimise capacity availability at gas interconnectors between the EU and the Energy Community and within the Energy Community. The results of the consultation will benefit market integration, competition and ultimately gas consumers.
ACER and the Energy Community Secretariat are particularly interested in hearing from users (actual and potential) of gas transport capacity and other services provided by transmission system operators (TSO) on the gas pipelines concerned.
Replies to the consultation can be submitted by 30 June 2021 23:59 hrs (CET).