Case ECS-13/16: Ukraine / environment

summary of the case

status:  closed in preliminary procedure (Art.91) /
complied in preliminary procedure
registered: ex officio 2016

In its preliminary legal assessment, the Secretariat points out the lack of transposition of the Environmental Impact Assessment Directive's  provisions on transboundary environmental impact assessment and the improper or incomplete transposition of the provisions on the projects to be covered by an environmental impact assessment, on the information to be included in the impact assessment report and on public participation. Therefore, the Secretariat preliminarily concluded that Ukraine did not fulfil its obligation to transpose the Environmental Impact Assessment Directive into national law.

Following the submission of the Reasoned Request by the Secretariat, the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine informed the Secretariat about the adoption of national measures transposing Directive 2011/92/EU on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment. With the adoption of such legislation, Ukraine has formally rectified the breaches identified in Case ECS-13/16 and the Secretariat has decided to close the Case ECS-13/16.