2023 Summer School Overview

Seventh Summer School 2023 

Venue: University of Belgrade – Faculty of Political Sciences
Date: 19 - 26 August 2023
Duration: 1 week
Organizer: Energy Community Secretariat
Credits: 3 ECTS (for masters students)
Application period: CLOSED (16 January - 31 March 2023)
Fees: No tuition fee is required

Hotel N
Bilećka 57,
11000 Belgrad, Serbia

2023 Summer School Programme


Syllabus, applicant benefits and requirements


  • Syllabus


    Like in the past years, the Energy Community Summer School focuses on energy sectors in transition, in particular in South Eastern and Eastern Europe. The programme takes into account the broader geographical context in Europe and possibly beyond and will go beyond a mere training programme for energy-related topics. It allows participants to understand the energy sectors in their full complexity and provide them a platform for exchange and contribution to shaping the sectors’ future.

    The Summer School will cover

    • scientific,
    • legal,
    • economic,
    • cultural,
    • political as well as,
    • technical aspects

    of the energy supply chain and include both theoretical elements and practical training through case studies and mock cases.  The best group will receive an award.

    The Energy Community Summer School programme will offer a combination of course work, guest lectures and social / cultural activities. During the training, participants will attend lectures taught by high-level scholars from academia as well as experts and practitioners from  leading energy companies etc. The social / cultural activities comprise a welcome reception on 19 August, a whole day trip outside Belgrade on 20 August, including a guided tour of the Belgrade city on 24 August 2023.

  • Benefits


    Benefits of attending the Energy Community Summer School:

    • ECTS credits1 - the Energy Community Summer School is accredited in accordance with the European Credit Transfer System. Students participating in the Summer School will have a chance to earn 3 ECTS points.
    • Experience abroad - studying in a different country is a great experience and gives the possibility to gain international experience, which is important for the job market etc.
    • Get to know the countries of the Energy Community, their culture and people in addition to their energy sectors – the Summer School will not only be about academic experience, but will also give the participants the opportunity to get to know fellows from different countries and experience different cultures.
    • Knowledge outcome – after finalising the Summer School, the participants will better understand the science, policy and regulation of energy markets in transition. They will understand the challenges behind the implementation of European aspects of energy law and regulation and be able to combine different disciplines and approaches underpinning energy-related projects and reforms.

    1 Students who wish to receive ECTS credits will need to contact their university. The approval of the credits as well as their exact amount depends on the decision of the students' home institution.

  • Successful applicants

    Successful applicants

    Target group 

    • Postgraduate students (masters or PhD students),
    • Researchers from all disciplines,
    • Young professionals from governmental institutions (ministries, authorities and agencies) or energy companies,
    • Think tanks,
    • NGOs, etc.



    To be considered for admission, applicants must be:

    • up to 35 years of age (applicants should be born in year 1988 or later);
    • Fluent in written and spoken English;
    • A citizen of the following countries: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo*, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Ukraine, United Kingdom, or, Türkiye, including the 27 EU Member States.

    • Up to 5 participants may be selected from countries outside the above list. Citizens of other countries than the ones listed above will be asked to pay for food and accommodation (around 300,00 EUR for the week).


    Selection criteria

    Successful applicants will be selected by the Energy Community Secretariat in consultation with a network of academic and research institutions of the participating countries based on the following criteria:

    • A short paper (5 pages maximum) in which contemporary pressing energy policy issues shall be presented and briefly analysed, related to one of the following topics: economic implications, technical issues related to energy generation, political implications and energy diplomacy, legal aspects, questions related to the sustainability of energy systems. No ranking between the topics will be applied; therefore candidates are invited to choose a subject that is closest to their field of studies or research;
    • Previous experience and knowledge in the field of energy;
    • Geographic balance;
    • Gender balance.

    The number of participants for the 2023 Summer School will be up to 48.


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2023 Programme