Dispute 06/2020: Hungary, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina / gas

Summary of the dispute

Areas of work Mediator Parties involved


Dirk Buschle, 
Predrag Grujicic,
Branislava Marsenic,
Adam Balogh

  • Transportgas Srbija ltd. (Serbian TSO), 
  • FGSZ (Hungarian TSO),
  • Gas Promet JSC (Bosnia and Herzegovina TSO)

In May 2020, FGSZ Ltd, JP Srbijagas and BH-Gas jointly approached the Energy Community Secretariat to facilitate the discussions and coordinate the process of introducing an Operational Balancing Account (OBA) on the Hungarian-Serbian and the Serbian-Bosnian interconnection points.

The discussions had been initiated by FGSZ, the Hungarian transmission system operator (TSO), which signalled that the absence of an OBA between the Hungarian and Serbian TSOs was leading to unaccounted physical quantities of gas in Hungary. In order to solve this issue, an updated interconnection agreement, introducing an OBA had to be signed between the Hungarian and Serbian TSOs. Similarly, in order to prevent unaccounted quantities and system imbalances in Serbia, an updated interconnection agreement, introducing an OBA between the Serbian TSO and adjacent TSO from Bosnia and Herzegovina also had to be concluded.

The negotiations lasted approximately four months and were facilitated by Predrag Grujicic, Adam Balogh, Branislava Marsenic and other experts of the Secretariat. As a result of the negotiations, on 30 September 2020, Transportgas Srbija ltd., a 100% subsidiary of JP Srbijagas, signed Interconnection Agreements for the relevant interconnection points with FGSZ and Gas Promet JSC, the adjacent TSO from Bosnia and Herzegovina.