Preparing for climate change related risks in the Western Balkan region

Climate Environment

Beneficiary Countries:

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Serbia Serbia

Type and/or measure of energy efficiency in buildings:

  • Education and research

Donation passport

Starting Year: 2020
Ending Year: 2021
Budget: 0.165 mil EUR
Type of Donation: Technical assistance
Status: Ongoing

Lead Donor Contact

Gábor Benedek, Senior International Advisor

Short description of the overall project

The goal of the project is to develop a sustainable knowledge-sharing system to strengthen preparation activities against climate change related risks in the Western Balkan region. The project targets organizations involved in disaster response, including firefighters.

The project aims to reach the following results:

  • E-learning material in Serbian, English, and Hungarian on:
  • use of equipment and tools for disaster response,
  • emergency first aid,
  • flood protection,
  • vegetation fire response,
  • EU Civil Protection Mechanism basics,
  • training methods for the trainers;
  • Practical training program for the local trainers for the sustainable training of their target group.

These results will be available to the participants free of charge during this project.

Project owner: SkillDict Service Plc.


Short description of activities financed by the donation

Capacity Improvement Activities, Sustainable Training Program.