Oil_02 / Transportation of different crudes of oil via Southern Druzhba pipeline

Brief project description

1) Notable INCREASE of supply /transit volumes via UA transportation system / Southern Druzhba, better utilization of capacities and SUSTAINABILITY of oil transportation systems in the region in light of substantial changes and challenges at oil and oil infrastructure markets as well as emergency & crisis situations,
(2) INTEGRATION of Caspian, Southern Caucasus and Ukraine oil transportation markets and systems in the context of EU energy environment, 
(3) DISSEMINATION of EU acquis and best European practices in hydrocarbons supplies,  
(4) DIVERSIFICATION of oil supplies, enhanced economics and security of supplies,
(5) SYNERGY effect on facilitation of implementation of two other PCI/PECI in oil infrastructure sphere,
(6) Enhancing COMPETITION, transparency and adherence to Energy Charter principles and rules, promoting demonopolization and equal footing in access to the regional networks with spare capacities,
(7) COMMERCIAL FEASIBILITY repeatedly proved in pre-feasibility studies by operators and experts, 
(8) TECHNICAL measures for project implementation in accordance with technical feasibility studies require relatively non-significant financing and limited time for implementation, 
(9) EXISTING TRANSIT and its uninterrupted mode in accordance with current contracts secured,
(10) OFFICIAL SUPPORT (organizational, regulatory and intergovernmental) of UA authorities 
(11) Uniqueness of the Project within the PECI/PMI list: the route is already in place, fully operational and only moderate technical adjustments on one Project section are needed to enable smooth batching transportation of various oil grades instead of one. The very majority of the answers on the points are appropriately developed and filed in a number of the relevant market operators' and international expert's studies and assessments including those under the EC auspices, and could become instrumental right after the principle decisions at EU entering point of the Project.

The following minor physical alterations are necessary on the network, particularly in Ukraine:

  •  Optimization and adjustment of operational modes of main pumping stations on UA  section  
  •  Completion of introduction SCADA system at UA section for efficient control of (batching) operations 
  • In accordance with the number  of technical assessments accomplished in unilateral and multilateral formats  limited additional reservoir capacities in SK and/or CZ might be needed to enable smooth batching transportation and metering of various crude grades